Valentine's Day

Going to be snowed in for Valentines Day?

Pick up a DVD...

The Ugly Truth
This movie is fantastic from beginning to end. Absolutely hilarious. It stars Knocked Up's Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler from the movie 300. Butler's character gives dating and relationship advice to Heigl's character, giving her insight into how men think and what they want in a women. From what I hear his advice is very true to life. So pay attention girls! This movie is perfect for V-day! Just look at the hearts on the movie poster...Haha.

The Ugly Truth (Widescreen Edition) 

Not snowed in? 

I'm jealous! 

Opening in theaters...
Obviously this movie is about Valentine's Day. I don't know if this movie is gonna be any good; the trailers make it hard to tell. But what you can tell is that there are a lot of big names in this movie. The list includes Julia Roberts and her niece Emma Roberts, Jennifer Garner, Jamie Foxx, Jessica Alba, Taylor Swift, Taylor Lautner (Team Jacob!), Jessica Biel, Ashton Kutcher, and the list goes on for days and days and days... So even if the movie isn't that great at least you will see a couple faces you like. This movie opens Friday February 12th.


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