Guilty Pleasure Sunday

On Sunday nights I hate to love these three new shows on VH1:

  • Brandy & Ray J: A Family Affair
    • I can't believe how much VH1 loves to keep Ray J on the air season after season with two seasons of For The Love and Ray J and now this new show with his parents and sister Brandy. It follows Brandy and Ray J as they learn the ends and outs of the music industry as a business from their manager/mother Sonja Norwood. Sonja is the realest part of this "reality" show. For some reason I just love watching grown people getting yelled at by their mother. Pure entertainment for me. 
  • Basketball Wives 
    • Now this show sounds like it should be about the wives of NBA Basketball players. It turns out to be about bitter ex-wives and soon to be ex-wives who try to poison the mind of the one wife who seems be happily married. Lets hope they don't succeed. 
  • What Chilli Wants 
    • What to say, what to say about this show? Oh Chilli (from singing group TLC) why can't you find a man? Maybe its because your standards are ridiculously high. He can't smoke, can't drink. can't eat pork, must have six-pack abs, and the list goes on forever. Usher's divorced now. Why don't you just go back to him? I'm going to keep watching until you end up with him. And i'm glad you decided Floyd Mayweather wasn't for you. Keep it moving. 

All these shows air back to back starting at 9pm EST on Sunday's on VH1.

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lilgyrlblue RT @theuncensored1: RT @taut_7: brandy and ray-j's show is on.--their mother is an enabler - rayj is a clown

TruDiva29 abt to watch basketball wives, just got thru watch ray jand brandy...watching "reality" tv is like a bad azz habit that i cant break

MoKak RT @jemelehill: Also, watched some of What Chilli Wants let's just say there are some ppl where it makes perfect sense why they're single

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