*Side Note*
So I've decided to change up the way I blog because my post seemed lifeless and dull. Therefore I will not write as if I am writing to nobody but I will write as if I am talking to a friend. Also, I will incorporate my new favorite thing: TWITTER! I've finally gotten the hang of tweeting so I will be adding what people are tweeting about the shows and movies I mention in each blog post.
*End Note*
My LineUp:
1. American Idol at 8pm on FOX
2. GLEE at 9pm on FOX
3. The Hills at 10pm on MTV
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DomTheGreatt ♥Shania Twain♥ is on American Idol tonight! For the first time ever im gonna be watching Idol over 90210. Thank god for DVR.
TishOhSoFab RT @Bynd_Beauti: How the hell ppl watch thehills◂U have no idea what u missin! I ♥ The Hills!
Tay10rMade RT @StiNa_PG: Oh em g the hills come on 2night YES!!!! (Fist pumpin in class) lolz
Almost forgot, 90210 also comes on on Tuesday nights at 8pm on The CW. Thanks twitter. I always choose to watch American Idol instead because I watch 90210 online the next day. Here is a link to where I watch it so you can catch up and get hooked on it like I am : http://watch-beverly-hills-90210.com/ .